Exciting News!! We got Bigger!


*Edit Phillip and his Robot also wrote an announcement.

We are thrilled to announce the successful acquisition of an additional 32 acres for our flourishing farm. This significant expansion marks the inception of an enthralling new venture: Celestial Grove. Within the enchanting realm of Celestial Grove, we will weave together the enigmatic wonders of space with the beauty of nature, culminating in an alien-themed botanical garden. This visionary project will not only captivate visitors but also serve as a haven for vital pollinators, harmoniously blending the cosmic and the organic.”

It has been an eventful week. I wasn’t able to get my weekly update out on Sunday, decided to wait until I had some exciting news to share.

As you know, Phillip and I chose to purchase 20ish acres of raw land March 2020. At the same time our land was for sale, there was a 40 acre lot neighbouring us that was also for sale. We fantasized having that acreage as ours, recognizing the possibilities of what we could do. I genuinely felt that we were meant to have it. Yet, it was no longer for sale and it didn’t make sense financially to buy it.

About a month ago, the man who owns that 40 acres showed up randomly at the farm. He offered to sell us the back 30 acres of the lot, all of which abuts our land. His price was beyond what we could afford. Phillip and I agreed on what we would be willing, which was over half of his asking price. We decided if it was meant to be it would happen.

A few week went by. Then, we got a call from the owner. He was willing to sell at our price! Today we signed a few papers, wrote the check, and now have a 52 acre farm!!

There are several plans we have for the land. Last week Tucker from Longship Construction began carving out a road going down in order to gain access. It is our hope to become a certified botanical garden, a 15 year goal. Check out our Celestial Grove section on the website to learn what the theme of the garden will be. Phillip is desiring to raise Elk for meat production. Looking forward to hearing their bugle through the valley.

I wholeheartedly believe in manifestation, following desire and believing what you want to come into existence. In 2008 I went on a backpacking trip, we hiked a section of the Appalachian Trail in Kentucky. It was the first time I was introduced to the concept of manifestation. Before setting out, our guide began telling us about the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. (Honestly, I’ve never read it) He went into the gist, if you think it to be true it will happen. To test the ideology, he told us he was going to find a deer antler while on our trip. Low and behold, the man found a deer antler!! That simple thing stuck with me and led me to begin practicing manifestation. I hiked around our new land this last week. Guess what I found, a deer antler! It was confirmation that this was the right choice.

Our desires exist within us for a reason. They may be simple. They may be complex. They may sound crazy. Embrace them and believe those dreams will come to fruition.

Thanks for reading my story. I’m so excited to share this space with you! It’s magical.

Love, Gwendolyn

PS- No volunteer hours this next week. Picking back up September 12th.