Food Forest
Our food forest has been designed so that individuals can come and forage themselves. We try and keep our website updated to let you know what is ready for harvest. Our forest is still very young so not all produce is available yet. When you come to forage, find our farm stand first to learn what is available and where to go.
*List in Progress
We have hand planted 36,000 crowns over three years, acting as the ground cover of the forest. The varieties are Charlotte Everbearing, Honeoye, Flavor-Fest, Cabot, Darselect, Wendy, Sparkle, and Sunset. Available June-Mid July.
Interplanted with the shallow rooted strawberry, its roots are deep so they are able to share space. Mary Washington and Millennium are the varieties. Small amount available.
They are along the path connecting the two greenhouses. Planted mostly for the bees. Not available for harvest yet.
Roughly 1,000 vines planted. They are Everest Seedless concord. Small amount available. Harvest late summer.
Juliet Cherry
Around 1,000 bushes planted. Still young and not enough produce to share. Harvest early to mid-summer.
Thousands of canes were planted, 6 varieties. The patch is very wild and will hopefully be tamed for harvest. Plants are still very young.
Several Hundred bushes planted, 3 different varieties. Very young, a couple years until available. Harvest early to mid-summer.
A couple hundred highbush planted, young and unavailable at this time. Mid-summer harvest.
Limited amount planted currently, not available for forage. Mid to late summer harvest.
Fuji and Honeycrisp are planted, young and fruitless still.
Bartlet, moonglow, and a few other varieties. Not available for harvest yet.
Limited amount planted, not available for harvest.
Limited planted, not available.