We are building the largest Astronomical Observatory in Maine! Our goal is to provide a world class telescope to students not only in Maine but around the world!
We envision students will be able to request Astronomical Observations during the day and have the telescope take said observations and deliver it to them via email that night - fully autonomously.
Here is a concept of what we hope it will look like:
Get Involved:
Ossipee Hill Farm offers free Telescope Events for the public to view and take pictures of planets in our solar system. We have multiple high quality telescopes on hand and plan to obtain more. If you would like to know when these pop up events occur check out our Currents page to see events or subscribe to our email subscription
Waterboro Bortle 1 Dream
Ossipee Hill Farm & Observatory is located in South West Maine in the Town of Waterboro. Even though we are many miles from the nearest city in the foothills of the White Mountains; we are still effected by the light pollution.
Light Pollution is measured using what is called the Bortle Scale. Bortle 1 = the least amount of light pollution; Bortle 9 = the worst light pollution.
Currently at the Observatory; we measure about a 3-4 on the Bortle scale; which is still really good, but we could make it even better with your help. The better the light pollution is, the better the science we can perform!
The ASK:
Shut off any outdoor lights if you are not using them; or use dimmers timers or motion detectors. Bonus - you will also save money on your electricity bill!
Use LED lights
Use warm colors versus any blue-white lights
Encourage your neighbors and local business to install Dark Sky friendly lighting
Check this Map to see if your neighborhood is Dark Sky friendly: