Happy first week of Autumn!
The push of making the most of summer in Maine is so beautiful and exciting. We made the most of the last few weeks with beach trips, hikes, camping, and lots of garden harvesting and preserving. Tried hard to not let the final moments slip away.
Though Summer is over, the garden is still producing food. The green house is full of corn for drying, most cobs are pretty small. There are a handful of decent sized ones though! I think the lack of airflow through the greenhouse may have prevented good pollination. Under the corn is a carpet of green leaves of the Yams. I am very confident we will have them for sale sometime mid-October.
The sauce spiral Garden has given me many pounds of tomatoes, herbs, cumbers, and peppers. I’m experimenting with the freeze dry machine using them. I plan to spend this winter creating recipes and blends with the freeze-dried produce. Think of products like instant tomato basil soup and drink mixes. Still maintain the goal of having a way to sell these things in the next couple years.
This past weekend we attended the Common Ground Fair. I found it to be overwhelming, so much to see and learn. It was also inspiring and encouraging to see so many other people trying to live and grow healthy food thoughtfully. What an amazing community Maine has cultivated. It is my hope that we can have a place in MOFGA’s realm in the coming years. Maybe sell freeze-dried products there?
Our Favorite excavator from Longship Construction came at the end of August for a few days. He did some clearing for more growing space and a potential greenhouse. Dug out a couple ponds. Expanded and cleaned up our parking area. Lastly, he continued our road through the woods. This road is going to make way for some fun things!
For now, we will continue building, maintaining, and remain hopeful that we are doing the right thing. This summer wasn’t all I hoped it would be. Yet it was everything it was supposed to be. Looking back, I see we have made a lot of progress. I realize my capabilities. My desires are more defined. I’m already brainstorming for next year. What to grow. What to teach about. Events to host. If you have any ideas let me know! Great things are to come.
We plan to continue weeding through October. If you'd like to give us a hand let me know! I can work around your availability.
The next event is Astronomy Club on October 6th at 5:30 weather permitting. Sourdough Science on October 13th at 10:00 a.m., if attending let me know. On October 16th we are hosting our 2nd annual Dia De Los Muertos gathering. Hopefully we will have some opportunities for pop up Astronomy nights over the next month, especially before it starts to get really cold.