Waterboro Bortle 1

Ossipee Hill Farm & Observatory is located in South West Maine in the Town of Waterboro. Even though we are many miles from the nearest city in the foothills of the White Mountains; we are still effected by the light pollution.

Light Pollution is measured using what is called the Bortle Scale. Bortle 1 = the least amount of light pollution; Bortle 9 = the worst light pollution.

Currently at the Observatory; we measure about a 3-4 on the Bortle scale; which is still really good, but we could make it even better with your help. The better the light pollution is, the better the science we can perform!

The ASK:

  • Shut off any outdoor lights if you are not using them; or use dimmers timers or motion detectors. Bonus - you will also save money on your electricity bill!

  • Use LED lights

  • Use warm colors versus any blue-white lights

  • Encourage your neighbors and local business to install Dark Sky friendly lighting

  • Check this Map to see if your neighborhood is Dark Sky friendly: